Schedule Your Market Positioning Assessment
Your business may benefit from having an external team of marketing strategists conduct your assessment. Here’s why:
- Unbiased Evaluation. We are an external entity that brings fresh eyes to your organization and different perspectives to your current challenges. When internal resources are exhausted, you need a team to help instill new energy into your business.
- Part of a Bigger Mission. During a crisis, one of the best ways to position your business is by providing relief to your customers. This may mean making strategic donations, offering deals and discounts on services, or providing education on a relevant topic/issue. We can help you find your place in the bigger mission of overcoming the implications of the Coronavirus.
- Creative Problem Solving. Tap into creative frameworks for finding solutions.
Teaming up with Goalpost for your market positioning assessment gives you maximum potential for minimal cost. Don’t wait to get started. The market certainly won’t.
Navigating the Market During a Quarantine
Small Business Survival Step 3: Marketplace Positioning Assessment
Continuing to do business as usual during a crisis simply won’t cut it. You need to find ways to pivot your offer and messaging to meet people at their current point of need.
The market is always changing, but the rate of that change has increased dramatically. If your business is going to survive, then you need to adapt. Part of this adaptation is to figure out what does the market (currently) want vs. what can we realistically offer?
Step three of the Small Business Survival Plan is a Marketplace Positioning Assessment that helps you find your place in a disruptive consumer market. This can be an internal evaluation that you conduct with your team, or you can utilize the Goalpost Team to help strategize and develop an action plan.
The Small Business Survival 101 Map