Get Help With Your Talent Assessment
Talent or workforce strategies should never be developed in a vacuum. To be effective, they have to be grounded on a foundational business strategy and take into account the current context we’re living in. Is your team positioned to meet the unique market needs presented by the Coronavirus?
A Pandemic-Proof Team
Small Business Survival Step 4: Perform a Talent Assessment
Is your team positioned to meet the unique market needs presented by the Coronavirus?
If it feels like you’re “spinning wheels” at work, wondering what your team is spending their time on as you all adjust to working remotely, then it is time to perform a talent assessment and re-evaluate your team in light of the current economic and health climate.
In step four of the Small Business Survival Plan, we will help you perform a talent assessment based off of your potential market reposition (step 3). Is your team clear on what you are doing and why you are doing it? Do you have what and who you need to be successful? How do you know if you’re making progress towards your goals? Is your team on board? We will get answers to these questions, help you determine where your organization is missing the mark, and develop a clear plan to fix it.
The Small Business Survival 101 Map