What is the Customer Engagement Cycle?

The Engagement Cycle

Engagement builds awareness. Awareness builds interest. Consistent engagement over a period of time builds loyalty. Content drives the cycle.

What is the Engagement Cycle?

The Engagement Cycle is both the inbound and out engagements that you can have with your customer. This includes everything from phone calls, to emails, social media posts, to content that you post on your website. In order for this engagement cycle to be rich and rewarding for your potential clients you need to be producing the type of content that they are going to be interested in.

If you can produce something that drives interest in your website, and then post that on an e-blast, connect with social media, and have your customers and your clients interested in that information it will pay significant dividends over time.

Why You Need It

The engagement cycle is something that most salespeople think only starts when they pick up the phone. But, the reality is, if you are doing it correctly 70% of the job of sales happens before that initial conversation ever happens.

Consumer behavior has changed. Consumers now are doing homework on the front end before they ever contact anybody about selling them anything. In-fact in many situations if they can avoid talking to a sales person they are going to choose that route. So why not make it easier on your clients to find the type of information that they find beneficial by producing the type of content that will answer their questions. When you answer their questions and produce the content to connect to their concerns you are diving the engagement cycle. And Driving the Engagement Cycle effectively is a significant key to success.

Remember: engagement builds awareness, awareness builds interest and interest over a long period of time builds loyalty, and content drives the whole thing.  

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At Goalpost Group, we help our clients break the cycle of bad marketing using strategy, structure, and killer content that drives sales and wins the day. Get in touch with a member of our team to learn more about how we can help transform your marketing.


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